Call us for your FREE Quote   1-800-451-3000

Medical Dental

Year Established: 1934
Before joining answerLINK Ohio, Med Dent was the premier answering service for Eastern Ohio and Western Pa. As it was then and is now, the goal to be the best in the area remains

answerlink ohio, llc

Year Established: 2012

answerLINK Ohio LLC was established to continue providing medical and commerical answering service to the former Med-Dent clients..


Year Established: 2015

ProComm was the chosen trade name to continue providing service to the former Starkey Med Pro clients. Although not accepting new clients, a welcome addition to the family.

Answerlink alarms

Year Established: 2015

answerLink Alarms is a fully insured and trained staff to provide Central Station or alarm system monitoring. we also can provide Med-Alert contact to home emergency needs.

24 Hours a Day!  330-742-8010